
backpackers sengaLs

proud to say..
kami berjaya mnjadik backpackers yg mcm omputess
you noe y?
kamis on 7 jan.kami decide to oliday
aci redahss..
nk cube naek tren
so we goink to tepenk
n then to epoh.
i as progrm mnager..
syukur sumenye brjalan lancar wapom lam tren bru
pk wat daa nex place
n wat place we goin to visit..
sunday malam slamat smpai kolej.
4 days wit minima budget..
cayyaa dowhh!!

pic da upload kt facebook..
tgok smpai muntah ok..
ni pic2 yg xde lam fcebook

btw..i da serkap express music 5730
hmm.pdahal g nk tgkap e71..da smpai ctu
tukar memori otak plak..
btw.smart okee...
hope..i get more n more..


  1. express music tu lawo gakk..
    oh, berjaye gk ko meredah yer..haha.
    gitu la best, bende tak berplan..way to go minah!

  2. tenggkiuuu...
    aah..berjaya meredah..
    kamink soon ada lagik..
    go go !!
